Sunday, January 03, 2010

Rivalries, Curses

painting tests, parva/the epic, © amruta patil 2009
Back with the old Parva/The Epic style from 2003 - layer upon layer upon layer. Hope for unwavering blessings and stacks of old magazines to cut up.


Anonymous said...

The second pic is just fricking awesum! Sure would wanna know how it was painted.

Anonymous said...

Asp is the modern Anglicisation of the word aspis, which in antiquity referred to any one of several venomous snake species found in the Nile region.

amruta patil said...

thanks for the factual check. have made the change.

PT the Axis said...

unwavering blessings. from where, whom ...

amruta patil said...

from the divine presence that pervades from one end of the tale to the other - where else, who else.