Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Unsightly cows, dogs, people to be packed off

To read the entire article click here. Let us evict everything but buildings and everyone but jocks, let us pave every inch of this glorious city in concrete and walk upon it in sport shoes. What was once on the realm of 'tomfoolery' is now enough to make one sick to the stomach.


Hill Saint said...

Nothing for it but concerted firm but good-hearted satyagraha-confronting the opponent with their tomfoolery by steadfastly holding on to the truth oneself-aha the elusive truth-meaning what one considers to be the right action approach.
Long term this points clearly to our need to build alternative non-urban communities and/or intelligent polity/governance which in the end always comes back down to right education-in the good heart, consideration and caring for others.

PT the Axis said...


one has to understand 'tom'
for stopping tomfoolery.

the root.

amruta patil said...

which is?

PT the Axis said...

you should gno :) ... you
used the word 'tomfoolery'

why write something one
doesn't have a clue about ?

'the root' i have explained on
lotusocean log in many ways