Friday, April 01, 2011
April One Sun
Day of the Fool, journeyman of the Tarot. Broody bumpkin who may, with grace and ample intervention, head towards dancing hermaphrodite sage one day.
Received a Nari Shakti award from the President of India on 8th March 2017 for "unusual work that breaks boundaries" in art/l...
In the Hindu Mythology Shiva the immortal is indicated as the only all knowing being who, as the Bhootnath, (with panchbhootas as His friends from the beginning of evolution) is physically represented by our Earth,,, and human form is indicated under His right foot as the one who is forgetful, unable to recall memory, called 'Apsmara Purush',,, the Natraj who as Krishna in Dwaper Yuga dances on the 1,000 hoods of Kalia Nag, the sorce of poison,,, and in the beginning of churning, as Vishnu, rests on the head of Shehnag, also called Anant nag, balanced like a nat on the tight-rope, and as its model like a ping-pong ball alanced over the mid-stream of water that issues from the nozzle of a water fountain (middle path of Buddhism?), while all other streams fall in all directions as projectiles in different directions (all physical forms are necessarily madeof the panchbhootas,,,and human form has 78% water! Rivers during their existence on earth are observed to reflect the four stages as are seen during human lkfe too!) on...
Amruta, 'I' have returned bsically to thank you for info on 'Journeyman',,, who might also help visualise the 'Hindu' thought on evolution of formless Vishnu (Nadbindu, the source of Brahmnad 'OM') to immortal Shiva (earth in physical form, although illusory as conveyed by the word 'mithya jagat') projected in our, or/ rather His own images' mind's eye (even during the period when we are 'awake', or believably are conscious)...The illusory picture of our Sun also doesn't tell whether it is near sunrise or sunset (over some Goa beach?)
Best wishes!
praise in the labels but not in the text
Prashant, the praise is in the link that 'dancing hermaphrodite sage' leads to, in the gesture of Horus...
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